Electronic Coursepack for Math 319
Prof. Andrew Ross
Misc. stuff
Log plots
- Single-variable data examples
- Averaging and Regression
- Multivariate data examples
- Sum of Two Sine Waves
- Harmonic Analyzer (also here, and its opposite the harmonic synthesizer, and check out
tide predicting machines)
- falstad.com applets, and the Fourier one in particular.
- PHeT wave applet
- Overfitting, Jackknife, and LOOCV (leave-one-out-cross-validation) example spreadsheet
- Regression extras: sum of absolute values, etc.
- Thoughts on regression: sample size needed, etc.
- Math Placement data for logistic regression
- logistic regression solver (original)
- logistic regression solver (backup)
- California electric data, 2001
- EMU electric data, 2006
- Weather data, 2004 2005 2006
- monthly-enplanements.jpg
- Pennsylvania school district data
here and
here for more PA school data; let me know if you find a similar site for Michigan)
Graph Theory
Linear and Nonlinear Programming
Population models
The Mathematical Contest in Modeling
My three entries from 1994, 1995, and 1996: